Monday, July 20, 2009

Spain - Pineda de Mar (8)

(Polish) Czas niestety szybko leci, kiedy jest fajnie. Nasze wczasy w ten oto sposob dobiegly konca. W ostatni dzien, poszlismy sobie tak po prostu posiedziec na laweczce poznym juz wieczorem . Zrobilem tez pare juz ostatnich zdjec tego pieknego turystycznego miasteczka - Pinedy de Mar.

(English) Well...time goes fast when you enjoy it. So it was even for us. Our holiday this year came to its end. On the last day in Pineda de Mar we went out for a late night-walk, but we were actually just sitting on a bench, so that I could take a couple of last shots of this beautiful turistic town. I hope you'll like them.

(Polish) Robiac te zdjecia nie mialem niestety statywu, wiec oparlem aparat o lawke. Bylo tak spokojnie i cieplo. Za plecami mielismy morze, gdzie o tej porze mozna bylo zobaczyc wedkarzy, a nawet czasami kapiacych sie jeszcze ludzi.

(English) Unfortunately, I didn't take my tripod but somehow, I managed to take these night shots, taken with a long exposure time. It was really very nice and calm.

(Polish) Te linie biale i czerwone na jezdni, to slady samochodow, a raczej ich lamp, gdyz czas ekspozycji byl pare sekund.

(English) These white and red traces of light on the street is simply the light coming from the front and reversing lights of the cars as I took this shot with quite a long exposure time.

(Polish) Wracajac do apartamentu, jeszcze po raz ostatni uwiecznilem basen, w ktorym codziennie plywalismy. Mozna bylo sie w nim kapac az do 22.00, co nas nawet troche zaskoczylo.

(English) Coming back to our apartment I took even the last picture of that nice swimming-pool, where we could swim every day up to 22.00 o'clock !

(Polish) Natomiast Isabella zerkala na morze i pewnie tez jej bylo troche smutno, ze juz na drugi dzien mielismy odjezdzac.

(English) Isabella on the other hand, seemed to be a little sad as we was going to drive home to Sweden next day.

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