Monday, December 17, 2018

Isabella still in Mexico

Isabella is still in Mexico - in Mexicali, right at the American border in California. She's coming back just one day before Christmas. She's staying there in the cosy apartment on the left, not seen on the picture.

She'll be driving this vehicle in the desert later today.

You can already feel the Christmas atmosphere in Mexicali.

The USA is behind this fence.

Santa Claus

Right before the match.

Sweet little dog from her neighborhood who is she playing with every day.

In the botanical garden.

US border again

Mexicali where Iza is staying

Right after arriving to Mexicali. You can see the special trained dog sniffing for drugs.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Memory of the last summer

All photos in today's post I took about two month ago when it was still warm and sunny. It's a kind of memory of the last summer, which was unusually hot.

In the Western Harbor

Turning Torso photographed from the main beach.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Water Tower in Malmö

My latest pics presenting nicely illuminated water tower in Malmö, situated near our neighborhood. (photo by Jerry, 2018)

Tuesday, October 09, 2018

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Drought and fires in Sweden

Since almost 3 month  we've had a real drought in Sweden. In many places Sweden is fighting its most serious wildfires in decades, raging across the whole country. The grass on the above photo is usually green, but not this year. The daily temperatures are reaching over 30 degrees.

(Polish) Od prawie trzech miesiecy mamy w Szwecji klimaty srodziemnomorskie. Temperatury czesto przekraczaja 30 st. co spowodowalo susze w prawie calym kraju. W kilkudziesieciu rejona Szwecji plona lasy i wyglada to naprawde bardzo groznie. Ta trawa na powyzszym zdjeciu jest zazwyczaj zielona, a teraz jest kompletnie wypalona przez slonce, Takie mamy poludniowo-europejskie widoki w tym roku. Od 150 lat nie bylo w Szwecji takich upalow. Zdjecia zrobilem wczoraj na spacerku po naszych okolicach.


Outdoor gym

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Isabella in Portugal

I took all these photos last summer during our vacation in Portugal (Portimao) - 2017. 
(Canon 6D)

Friday, May 11, 2018

Beautiful spring in Scania

All today's photos are taken with my new lens EF-50mm, f/1.8. It's light and very handy. It blurs the background well.

(Polish) Wszystkie dzisiejsze zdjecia zrobilem moim nowym obiektywem EF-50mm f/1.8. Jest on bardzo lekki i poreczny, a przede wszystkim tani. Ladnie rozmywa tlo.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Isabella on her way home

Isabella is speaking in the background.

Isabella is on her way home. Her plane has just took off from the Mexicali airport. She'll be home tommorow at 22.30 (in Copenhagen). Above videos was created by her in Ensenada Baja California at the Pacific Ocean, during her trip there.

(Polish) Isabella wlasnie wystartowala z lotniska w Mexicali. Za 3 godziny bedzie w Mexico City, nastepnie poleci do Amsterdamu, no i potem do Kopenhagi. W domu bedzie zatem przed polnoca jutro. Oby te trzy loty odbyly sie spokojnie. Filmiki nakrecila w Ensenada Baja California, gdzie byla na wycieczce. Miejscowosc polozona jest nad samym Pacyfikiem. Jest tam pieknie. Proponuje powiekszyc te filmiki klikajac na kratke, to bedzie lepiej widac.

Mexico with its colorful traditional food.

Isabella on the beach in Ensenada Baja California, where she was on a trip.