Sunday, April 06, 2008

The Medieval gates of Cervo

A medieval gate in Cervo with a view.

Dzisiaj troche nostalgi w moich fotografiach z ostatnich wczasow w Cervo (Italy). Czesto wracam myslami tam i zawsze przypomina mi sie ten niepowtarzalny spokoj i specyficzny nastroj jaki panowal wsrod tych malych zacisznych uliczek. No i te kolory, ktorych tu w Szwecji nigdy nie mozna zobaczyc.

I often return in my mind to those beautiful narrow medieval gates in Cervo remembering all those unforgettable colours and peaceful atmosphere there. Access to the village is via the original medieval gates circulation is possible only on foot, it is an oasis of peace and tranquillity, among 17th century aristocratic palazzi and alleys in which artisan workshops open their shutters: potters, glass blowers, carvers, leather dressers, goldsmiths and china decorators.

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