Sunday, July 20, 2008

Playing with PS (3)

A typical landscape in our part of Sweden (in Scania).

An abandoned boat in the summer colours.

Te dwa zdjecia przerobilem nieco w Photoshop, aby dodac troche barw i pare innych efektow. Zapowiadaja na przyszly tydzien super pogode wiec mysle, ze tak wlasnie beda wygladac nasze okolice. Ostatnio pogoda nie rozpieszczala nas i tylko takie zdjecia zrobione nieco wczesniej przypominaly nam, ze jest teraz lato.

The weather conditions in the last time were really awful. Therefore I present my two shots taken a couple of weeks ago which remind me the fact that we have still summer in Sweden. By the way...the weather forecast for the next week is very promising so I think the scenery in our neighbourhood will be as nice as the one in my photos above.

1 comment:

recoleta said...

No, no, piesek rośnie jak na drożdżach.