Wednesday, November 14, 2007

An autumn walk with Isabella

The last autumn leaves in our neighbourhood.

The other day, I went for a walk with Isabella. The weather was perfect and the afternoon's sun just appropriate for taking some shots. Some of them you can see in my today's post. Isabella took her favourite rat Blixten (Silver always prefers to stay at home) who didn't seem to be particulary content with the idea to be on a leash so long time. He felt much better and comfortable when she took him under her jacket where he fell asleep straight away, or maybe just pretended to sleep so as not to be disturb by anyone. Anyway, it was really nice afternoon of perhaps one of the last sunny autumn days this year.

Isabella and her Blixten.

Blixten on top of the wall.

Blixten on a leash.

Well, the ground is to cold for Blixten.

He seems to be freezing.

Wow, I like climbing.

Blixten decided finally to hide himself under Isabella's jacket.

Oh, how comfortable and warm is here.


The autumn leaves.

Blixten is now inside Isabella's jacket hood.

Isabella against a background of an advertising sign.

Our neighbourhood


recoleta said...

Spory jest ten wasz szczurek.:-) Ale milutki.

Jerry said...

Jest nieco wiekszy od tego drugiego Silvera i ma inny charakter. Jest bardziej towarzyski i wczesniej sie budzi.