Sunday, October 05, 2008

Italy 2007 - memories (2)

Today one more video from our last vacation in Italy 2007 which we spent in San Bartolomeo al Mare). This time much longer (9min) and showing not only San Bartolomeo itself, but also Cervo (a beautiful picturesque medieval village), a couple of shots taken during our journey to Italy, as well as the beautiful music performance in San Bartolomeo last night and not to mention a football match on the beach. Please, enjoy my video.

(Polish) Dzisiaj prezentuje jeszcze jeden, znacznie dluzszy film z ubieglorocznych wakacji w San Bartolomeo al Mare (c-ka 9 min). Tym razem zobaczycie wiecej scen z samej podrozy, San Bartolomeo al Mare (gdzie mieszkalismy), Cervo (przylegle do San Bartolomeo i gdzie panowala niepowtarzalna atmosfera), a takze fragmenty wystepow wloskich artystow na ktorych bylismy oraz oczywiscie football na plazy. Zapraszam.

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