Saturday, October 08, 2005


Clear blue sky, just right temperature and gentle, caressing wind...What else do you need for a nice and pleasant trip around your neighbourhood. Furthermore, if you are in possession of a bicycle, you are the most lucky man in the world. Below, you can find some evidence of this happiness and please, forget for once your concerns and worries and enjoy your life.

Czyste blekitne niebo, temperatura w sam raz i lagodny pieszczacy wiaterek. Co wiecej potrzeba dla przyjemnej wycieczki w Twoich okolicach. Jesli oprocz tego posiadasz jeszcze rower, to jestes najszczesliwszym czlowiekiem na swiecie. Ponizej, mozesz znalesc dowody tego szczescia i chociaz raz zapomnij o Twoich wszystkich zmartwieniach i klopotach. Kochaj zycie...

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