(Polish) Korzystajac z chwilowego ochlodzenia (25 st) siadlem na chwile do komputera. Jutro, a najdalej pojutrze ma byc jednak znowu do 30 st C. Powietrze jest tu nad morzem nieslychanie wilgotne. Mewy jednak nie zwracaja na to uwagi, a nawet wydaja sie byc bardzo zadowolone. No moze poza ta jedna mewa na moim zdjeciu, ktora zaczela protestowac mocno, gdy nasze chipsy sie skonczyly.
(English) Taking advantage of the temporary coolness of weather ("only" 25 degrees), I sat down for a moment at my PC to write this post. Tomorrow, or latest the day after tomorrow is going to be the very hot again, up to 30 st C. The air is extremely humid here by the sea. The gulls, however, do not pay any attention, and even seems to be very happy. Well, maybe except for that sweet seagull on my picture, who began to protest strongly when our chips were finished.
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