Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Lund Cathedral

The entrance to the vaults. Wejscie do podziemi katedry. (All the photos by Jerry)

(Polish) Dzisiaj, tak jak obiecalem, pare zdjec z samej katedry w Lundzie. Katedra powstala przed 1085 rokiem, ale nie jest pewne, czy obecna budowla stoi dokladnie w tym samym miejscu, gdyz zrodla podaja rozne wersje. Katedra i caly Lund byly na poczatku religijnym sercem Danii i dopiero po traktacie w Roskilde w 1658 roku zostala przekazana Szwecji. Dlatego wlasnie jezyk jaki uzywany jest tutaj w Scanii bardzo w wymowie przypomina jezyk dunski. Mozajka dekoracyjna zostala dodana wewnatrz w 1920 roku.

(English) A cathedral was built in Lund before 1085. In 1234 the church suffered an extensive fire. The Cathedral School was established in 1085, making it Denmark's oldest school. In 1294 Archbishop Jens Grand was arrested in the Cathedral. In the 1370s, magnificent gothic choir stalls where installed in the church, and in 1398 a gothic, cupboard-shaped wooden altarpiece was placed in the main chapel. An astronomical clock was installed in the nave around 1424 and renovated many times. After the Treaty of Roskilde, in 1658, the Bishopric of Lund was transferred to Sweden. An extensive restoration was done by Helgo Zettervall in the late 19th century, when the towers got their present appearance. Mosaic decoration was added to the interior of the apse in the 1920s.

Lund Cathedral from the backside. Katedra z bocznej strony.

Please, pay attention to the beautiful sculpture of the heads at
each pew.
Zwroccie uwage na te wyrzezbione glowy przy kazdej lawie.


(English) The astronomical clock of the cathedral, the Horologium mirabile Lundense, was made around 1424. After having been in storage since 1837, it was restored and put back in place in 1923.When it plays, one can hear In dulci jubilo from the smallest organ in the church, while six wooden figures, representing the three magi and their servants, pass by Mary and Jesus. The clock plays two times a day, at 12:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. every day, except on Sundays when the earliest playing takes place at 1:00 p.m. in order not to interrupt the morning service.

(Polish) A to zegar astronimiczny skonstruowany w 1424 roku. Zegar gra dwa razy na dzien o 12.00 i 15.00 kazdego dnia z wyjatkiem niedzieli , w ktore gra o 13.00 aby nie przeszkadzac w porannej mszy.

The lower part of the astronomical clock. To dolna czesc tego astronomicznego

The book of the martyrs. Ksiega meczennikow - Martin Luther King.

Maximilian Kolbe

Inside the vaults. W podziemiach katedry.

The main entrance to the cathedral in Lund.
Glowne wejscie do katedry.

The model of the Lund Cathedral.

A to makieta katedry, ktora znajduje sie wewnatrz.

1 comment:

recoleta said...
