Friday, March 30, 2012

Sparking pictures

Sparkling Corvette (all photos by Jerry)

Today, I would like to show a few of my latest "productions", that is a couple of photos which I've modified a bit with the help of the plug-in program for PS. This technique works very well for photos of flowers, vehicles, buildings and so on. You have just to be careful, not to go to far with the transformation.

(Polish) Chcialbym dzisiaj pokazac pare z moich zdjec, wykonanych przy uzyciu bardzo ciekawej techniki, ktora dobrze uzyta, moze dac bardzo fajne efekty. Nalezy tylko pamietac o tym, aby nie "zaszalec" zbyt bardzo, gdyz granica miedzy radosna tworczoscia a interesujacym rezultatem moze byc bardzo niewielka.


Basketball nostalgia

Ortodox Church in Nice

1 comment:

recoleta said...

MI najbardziej podoba się to ostatnie - z cerkwią. Takie bajkowe.