The most important things are the hardest things to say. They are the things you get ashamed of, because words make them smaller. When they were in your head they were limitless; but when they come out they seem to be no bigger than normal things. It's hard and painful for you to talk about these things...and then people just look at you strangely. They haven't understood what you've said at all, or why you almost cried while you were saying it.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Election in Sweden 2010
Mona Sahlin and Fredrik Reinfeldt
The general election to the Riksdag or Swedish parliament is held today 19 September 2010. The governing centre-right coalition The Alliance, led by Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt (leader of the liberal-conservative Moderate Party), is facing an election battle against the opposing Red-Greens coalition, led by Mona Sahlin (leader of the Social Democrats). If the Alliance is re-elected, it would be the first time since the war that Sweden has re-elected a centre-right government that has served a full term. If the Red-Greens are elected, Mona Sahlin would become the first female prime minister of Sweden.
(Polish) Dzisiaj wybory do parlamentu i wladz nizszego szczebla. Oczywiscie jako obywatele Szwecji, wzielismy juz w nich udzial z samego rana.
Glowna walka odbedzie sie pomiedzy obecnie pelniacym urzad premiera Fredrikiem Reinfeldt'em (liderem parti umiarkowano-konserwatywnej) a czerwono-zielona opozycja (socjaldemokratyczne ugrupowanie), na ktorej czele stoi Mona Sahlin. Jesli obecny sily rzadzace zostana ponownie wybrane, to bedzie to pierwszy raz po wojnie jak centrowo-prawicowy rzad ponownie utrzyma swoja pozycje lidera w panstwie.
Natomiast jesli wybrana zostanie Mona Sahlin, lider socjaldemokracji (czerwono-zielony blok), to bedzie ona pierwsza kobieta premierem w Szwecji.
Mona Sahlin
Ciekawe, czy u Was sondaże przedwyborcze też są warte funta kłaków jak u nas? U nas większe prawdopodobieństwo takich sondaży byłoby chyba gdybyśmy wróżyli z fusów.
No sondaze byly bardzo trafne. Pomylka byla w stosunku do wszystkich partii tylko 0,7 %.
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