Thursday, October 10, 2024

Bonjour tristesse

Kolorowa, pełna barw jesień zastąpiła już minione lato. Dni są coraz chłodniejsze, krótsze i deszczowe. Całe szczęście, ze mieszkamy na południu Szwecji bo tam na północy to już nawet pojawił się miejscami śnieg. Chociaż to jeszcze daleko ale pozwolę sobie pocieszyć się samemu słowami „byle do wiosny”. 

A full of colors autumn has already replaced the past summer. The days are getting colder, shorter and rainy. The good thing is that we live in the south part of Sweden as in the north there is already snow in some places. Although it's a still long way left I will console myself with the words "until next spring".

Friday, October 04, 2024

40 years in Sweden


Dzisiaj mija dokładnie 40 lat od naszego przyjazdu do Szwecji 4 października 1984 roku. Wow, nie wiem nawet kiedy ten czas minął. Czasami wydaje mi się jakby to było wczoraj. Tak wiele się w naszym życiu zmieniło od tego czasu. Zdjecie które jest mojego autorstwa przedstawia typowy krajobraz w Scanii. Pofalowane wzgórza, czysta przyroda i spokój. 

Today marks exactly 40 years since we arrived in Sweden on October 4, 1984. Wow, I don't even know how this time has passed so quickly. Sometimes it seems like it was yesterday. So much has changed in our lives since then. The photo I took shows a typical landscape in Scania. Rolling hills, pure nature and peace.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2024

 Best wishes for a joyous Christmas filled with love, happiness and prosperity for all who visit my blog.

Sunday, May 15, 2022

 I took the above photo some time ago but the topic is current at this time of the year. Taken somewhere in Scania - Sweden.

Monday, December 13, 2021


 Photo taken by me in Malmö last summer during a beautiful sunset.

Thursday, December 02, 2021

I have taken all of today's pictures with my phone while sitting in the car. They show the charm of Scania at different times of the year. I hope you will like them.


Thursday, December 03, 2020

Our beloved Nalla is gone

Our beloved Nalla is gone. She almost turned 13 years old. We are all really sorry, especially Asia and Juan and their kids. However, she had a very good life and lived longer than the average Rottveiler. She was always very cheerful and curious about everything. We will miss her very much.


Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Sunset over the Sibbarp in Malmo

One of my latest shots taken on Sibbarp in Malmö the other day.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Lonely Charlie walking in a lonely city

"Lonely Charlie walking in a lonely city" (photo taken by me)

The moment has come to present something completely new. Although I took the photo some time ago, I show it to the public for the first time. However, I will point out that it is a draft, made under the influence of  inspiration. I'm gonna go to the topic again and try other variants, maybe in color, etc. Why Charlie? It's probably easy to figure it out. Photo was taken on the island of  Crete in Rethymnon.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Rhodos Greece 4

The next and the last  portion of photos from Rhodos which I took during our vacation in Greece. All the shots are taken by my of course. The photo above, I took on the last day of our stay on that beautiful  Greek island. In the distance on the horizon you can see the mountains of Turkey.

One of the plenty shots I took in the Old Town of Rhodos.

A terrible tragedy on Rhodos (see link)

Rhodos Boulevard

The entrance to the airport in Rhodos

Our plane