This logo on the photo above reveals, where we've spent our vacation this year. That's right - in Portugal! However, we made even a point of visiting Spain (Sevilla) during our first week. In Portugal, we stayed in a very nice turist town Portimao, located in the west part of Algarve.
We went also twice on a full-day trips first to Sevilla (Spain) and the next week to the capitol of Portugal - Lisabon.
(Polish) Po polsku dodam jeszcze, ze do Portugalii odlatywalismy z lotniska w Kastrup (Kopenhaga) samolotem typu Airbus A320. Lot trwal 3.40h, a w Portugalii byla zmiana czasu o 1 godzine do tylu. W drodze powrotnej kapitanem samolotu byla kobieta. |