Tuesday, May 30, 2017

In the west port in Malmö

Today's photos are taken by me in the west port in Malmö last weekend. There were a lot of people there who were sunbathing and even swimming in the sea. The weather was just perfect.

Turning Torso

In the neigborhood of the west port, there is Isabella's faculty at the Malmö University, were she is studying.

In the marina many yachts are getting ready to go to sea.

Small cottages on the water.

Music party on the yacht.

Sunday, May 28, 2017


"Horse" - (photo taken the other day by Jerry, 2017)

(Polish) W piatek, zrobilismy sobie mala wycieczka po Scanii, podczas ktorej sfotografowalem m.in. tego ladnego kasztanka. Wiecej zdjec z tego wypadu juz wkrotce. Widoki byly fantastyczne, bo wlasnie kwitnie rzepak , ktorego zolty kolor bardzo ladnie prezentuje sie na fotografiach.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Chestnut tree

Chestnut tree outside our window

(Polish) Tuz za naszym oknem rosnie sobie taki kasztan, ktory wlasnie kwitnie teraz jak to bywa w maju. Pogoda prawie jak w lecie, wszystko pieknie sie rozwija i pachnie, chociaz dla alergikow (Isabella) to nie jest takie fajne.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Finally a real spring

A real spring has finally come to Sweden, with temperatures 25-27C. While driving through the city in the morning, I took all these photos I show in my today's post.

(Polish) nareszcie prawdziwa wiosna zawitala i do nas. Juz od 2-3 dni temperatura wynosi 25-27 stopni, a przede wszystkim mamy caly czas piekne slonce. Czesc zdjec (tych z budynkami) zrobilem w centrum, niedaleko dworca kolejowego. Buduje sie tutaj na potege. Wyrasta taki nasz Manhattan w Malmö.

A to juz w Pildamsparku. Dawno tu juz nie robilem zdjec.

Pawilon Margarety

A tu sama Margareta z kwiatkami, ktora zalozyla kiedys ten park.