The most important things are the hardest things to say. They are the things you get ashamed of, because words make them smaller. When they were in your head they were limitless; but when they come out they seem to be no bigger than normal things. It's hard and painful for you to talk about these things...and then people just look at you strangely. They haven't understood what you've said at all, or why you almost cried while you were saying it.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Black and White World
Iron Man (or Boy)
While driving on the motorway home the other day, it dawned on me that all the surrounding world was looking like a black and white photograph during the past two months. This partly because of some sad recent events in my life, but even for reason of the winter weather that has definately contributed and enhanced that sensation. The only colourful thing I could see, was a red-yellow McDonald's advertising sign next to the road.
In the long run, it would be certainly unbearable as I definately prefer the world in colors. While looking through my old black and white photograps I've found one named "Iron Man" (or "Iron Boy") that matches very well my today's post and my surrounding world nowadays.
(Polish) Jadac ostatnio samochodem autostrada, uswiadomilem sobie, ze w zasadzie caly otaczajacy mnie swiat jest taki jakis czarno-bialy jak na starych zdjeciach black and white. Powodem tego bylo nie tylko ostatnie, smutne wydarzenie w moim zyciu, ale chyba tez cala ta zimowa aura (wyjatkowo surowa w tym roku) co sprawia, ze na zewnatrz wszystko jest takie jakies monochromatyczne: biale, czarne i szare. Jedyny kolorowy akcent jaki widzialem jadac autem, to czerwono-zolta reklama McDonalda jak widniala obok drogi. Cale szczescie, ze taki szary okres w ciagu roku zawsze przemija, bo na dluzsza mete, byloby to pewnie nie do zniesienia. Przegladajac moje zdjecia w komputerze, natknalem sie na jedno (nazwane przeze mnie "Iron Man" or "Iron Boy"), ktore swietnie pasuje do mojego dzisiejszego wpisu.
The sea covered with floating ice, between Puttgarden (Germany) and
Rödby (Denmark). Photo taken with my cell-phone.
(Polish) W czasie przeprawy promowej jaka mialem wracajac z Polski do Szwecji, pstryknalem to zdjecie komorka, aby pokazac jak wygladalo morze pokryte cale krami lodowymi miedzy Puttgarden (Niemcy) a Rödby (Dania). Teraz i u nas w Szwecji duza czesc morza jest zamarznieta.
On my way home, somewhere in southern Poland (near the town Nysa).
(Polish) W poblizu Nysy (jak zreszta na calej trasie z Polski do Szwecji) wszystko bylo wlasnie takie jak w filmie czarno-bialym.