Saturday, April 29, 2006

A Short Saturday Walk

This time I'm goona write in Polish. Sorry for that, but it was long time since I wrote in this language. All those pictures I took today during my short promenade in my neighbourhood. I hope you'll like them.

Mysle, ze juz czas cos napisac po polsku. No wiec dzisiaj korzystajac z calkiem ladnej pogody, wybralismy sie na dlugi spacer. Samochod zostal tego dnia w garazu a ze soba wzialem tylko aparat fotograficzny. Na drodze naszego spaceru zrobilem pare zdjec okolicznego krajobrazu, McDonald's oraz jakas dziwacznie pomalowana budke, ktora stala sobie bez jakiegos konkretnego przeznaczenia na drodze naszego marszu. Temperatura niestety mimo pieknego slonca dalej w okolicach 10 stopni a to jest przeciez juz prawie maj. A mowi sie, ze klimat sie ociepla. No chyba nie tutaj w Skandynawi. Pamietam, jak bedac malym chlopcem chodzilem na pochod pierwszomajowy w krotkich spodenkach. Tutaj jednak tak juz jest. Po zimie przychodzi lato a po lecie zima ( no moze troche przesadzilem ). Patrzac jednak na te kolorowe zdjecia rozgrzewam sie ich widokiem, czego i Wam wszystkim zycze.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Something is missing.

It's almost May, hm...clear sky, birds singing, everything is growing green, and yet something is missing - a high temperature, only 10 C degrees today.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The purpose of life...

It was a common week-day. Nothing extraordinary happened. And yet, the older one gets the more you begin appreciate every day, every moment of your life. It’s simple as that. We tend to take so many things for granted forgetting often what really matters and what the real meaning of life is. Therefore I called my blog Jerry’s Frantic World as an attempt to find and cherish all those unforgettable moments which can only give you enough strength to surmount all difficulties and hard times. In my struggle to experience such feelings I often indulge in doing what I consider to be important and significant for my soul even if it seems maybe frantic and crazy sometimes. However I even like such seemingly simple things like e.g. walking down the street in the midday sun, reading a book, taking a couple of interesting pictures or playing the piano, etc.
“Life is like a box of chocolate – you never know what you gonna get”. That’s why I’m still searching for the real purpose of my being on this planet and I guess I’m not alone in that.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The Dance Competition-video

The Dance Competition

My daughter Isabella and her partner Sebastian - taking first prize in a dance competition in her school in buggy category the other day.

Saturday, April 01, 2006