I've just begun reading a new book - The Black Angel, and I hope I shan't be disappointed. It's about a young woman who goes missing from the streets of New York. Those who have taken her believe that nobody cares about her, and that no one will come looking for her. They are wrong ! She is "blood" to the killer Louis, the man who stands at the right hand of private detective Charlie Parker, and Lousi will tear apart anyone who stands in the way if his attemps to find her. John Connolly, who wrote this book was born in Dublin in 1968 and he is the first non- American writer to win the US Shamus award. To find more about his novels, visit John's website at www.johnconnolly.co.uk.
Wlasnie zaczalem czytac nowa ksiazke - The Black Angel i mysle, ze bedzie w miare interesujaca. Opowiada ona o mlodej dziewczynie, ktora zyje na ulicach Nowego Jorku. Ci, ktorzy sadza jednak, ze dziewczyny tej nikt nie szuka sa w wielkim bledzie ! Louis, ktory jest morderca i prawa reka prywatnego detektywa Charlie Parker'a zniszczy wszystkich, ktorzy stana na jego drodze prowadzacej do odszukania dziewczyny. John Connolly, ktory jest autorem ksiazki urodzil sie w Dublinie w 1968 roku i jest on pierwszym nie amerykanskim pisarzem, ktory otrzymal nagrode US Shamus. Jesli ktos jest bardziej zainteresowany jego tworczoscia to odsylam do jego strony internetowej www.johnconnolly.co.uk.
The most important things are the hardest things to say. They are the things you get ashamed of, because words make them smaller. When they were in your head they were limitless; but when they come out they seem to be no bigger than normal things. It's hard and painful for you to talk about these things...and then people just look at you strangely. They haven't understood what you've said at all, or why you almost cried while you were saying it.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
The birthday party
Two days ago I had my birthday party and I got this congratulatory scroll from my daughter Isabella as a little enclosure to my main presents. It's written in Swedish, however I'm not going to reveal its essence - sorry for that. After I had got my presents ( unusually many this year ) I ate a very delicious fruit layer cake. Even Robert Maklowicz himself ( a very known Polish cook ) couldn't have done it better.
Dwa dni temu mialem urodziny i z tej okazji dostalem od mojej corki ( najmlodszej ) Isabelli ladna laurke jako zalacznik do moich glownych prezentow. Jest ona pisana oczywiscie po szwedzku ale ja zachowam jej tresc dla siebie samego. Nastepnie zjadlem super smacznego torta ktorego chyba sam Robert Maklowicz ( znany polski kucharz ) nie powstydzilby sie.
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
The winter in Sweden
There is no doubt that the winter has already come even here in the southern Sweden. Oh ! - poor bikes. I wouldn't like to be in their shoes...hi hi hi.