Sunday, October 30, 2005


Yesterday, we celebrated the 25-th anniversary of our marriage and I would like to dedicate this beautiful song "Unforgetable" by Natalie Cole for my wonderful wife Anna. Thank you so much for all those days I could spend with you.

Wlasnie wczoraj, 29 pazdziernika minelo dokladnie 25 lat mojego malzenstwa i ta piekna piosenke "Unforgetable" w wykonaniu Natalie Cole chce zadedykowac mojej wspanialej zonie Ani. Dziekuje Ci za te wszystkie piekne i niezapomniane dni, ktore moglem spedzic razem z Toba Aniu.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

...and even more of the Pildamms park

Fall has already come to stay for good with its cloudy, rainy and windy weather. Well...for several weeks anyway. I can at least enjoy the last sunny days in this season by looking at the pictures below that I took in the Pildamms park at the end of last summer.

No coz...jesien zadomowila sie juz na dobre ze swoja pochmurna, deszczowa i wietrzna pogoda, a przynajmniej na pare najblizszych tygodni. Moge tylko wspominac ostatnie sloneczne dni patrzac na zdjecia , ktore zrobilem w ostatnich dniach minionego lata.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Friday, October 14, 2005

A Painted House

I would like to recommend strongly to all of you, one of the best books I have ever read, written by John Grisham - A Painted House. It's September 1952. The cotton is almost ready in the fields of Arkansas. The harvest will soon begin. Luke Chandler is a seven-year-old who lives with his family in a small, unpainted house on rented land. In the next six weeks, the Chandlers and a hired band of hill people and Mexicans must bring in the cotton that is their livelihood and the garantee of their survival on the land.
Soon heat, rain, fatigue, a killing and the unraveling of a family secret threaten to distroy the Chandlers hopes and will transport Luke abruptly from childhood innocence to experience.

Chcialbym polecic wszystkim jedna z najlepszych moim zdaniem ksiazek "A Painted House" - napisana przez John Grisham'a. Jest wrzesien 1952 rok. Bawelna jest juz prawie gotowa do zbiorow na polach Arkansas. Luke Chandlers to siedmioletni chlopiec, ktory wraz ze swoja rodzina mieszka w malym niepomalowanym domu na wydzierzawionej ziemi. Przez kolejne szesc tygodni rodzina jego, jak rowniez wynajeci przez nich ludzie ze wzgorza oraz grupa Meksykanow, bedzie pracowac ciezka na polach bawelny co jest dla nich gwarancja przezycia do kolejnych zbiorow. Wkrotce upal, deszcze, zmeczenie, morderstwo i odkrycie tajemnicy rodzinnej zagraza nadziejom Chandlerow. Maly Luke przechodzi nagle ze spokojnego dziecinstwa do swiata ludzi doroslych.

Saturday, October 08, 2005


Clear blue sky, just right temperature and gentle, caressing wind...What else do you need for a nice and pleasant trip around your neighbourhood. Furthermore, if you are in possession of a bicycle, you are the most lucky man in the world. Below, you can find some evidence of this happiness and please, forget for once your concerns and worries and enjoy your life.

Czyste blekitne niebo, temperatura w sam raz i lagodny pieszczacy wiaterek. Co wiecej potrzeba dla przyjemnej wycieczki w Twoich okolicach. Jesli oprocz tego posiadasz jeszcze rower, to jestes najszczesliwszym czlowiekiem na swiecie. Ponizej, mozesz znalesc dowody tego szczescia i chociaz raz zapomnij o Twoich wszystkich zmartwieniach i klopotach. Kochaj zycie...

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Memories from the past ( highschool)

...playing the piano ( The Piano Man )

my best school-mates...and my teacher in French

100 days until my examination for
the grammar school certificate

...with my buddy Marek
all my bunch of school friends: Ola, Marek, Artur

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Who's that girl ?

Who's that lovely girl ?

Wow ! - What a beautiful smile !

I want to be this dog...

What shapely legs she has !


Only I know the answer.